I gaze at you from behind snow-covered bars,
accompanied by my tearful prayers.
I may not be everyone's type of poetry, but I hope to touch a few hearts because I was born to touch your feelings. I share the verses that flow from my heart. Each line holds a new story, seeking inspiration. A world brimming with poetry awaits.
a storm in your eyes
filled with your own fury
you were a gem, lose it once
tell them how you went crazy
do it silence
your words will be of no use
that arrow in the mirrors whose pain you feel with every breath
you will revive it, every time you hit it, every time you touch it.
because that's who you are
storms cannot restore.
Today is my birthday, and I am officially twenty-four years old. I started this blog at this age, which makes it very special to me. I’m writing this here because if, one day, my name is spoken everywhere, I will know I have achieved something. I love touching your souls. I will never give up on poetry, literature, and art, and I hope you won’t either because these are what we live for. In a world where hope fades daily, our belief endures through literature. Never lose faith in yourself. I’m so glad you’re here. Stay with poetry.
Bugün benim doğum günüm ve tam anlamıyla yirmi dört yaşımdayım. Bu bloğu bu yaşımda açtım; bu yüzden benim için çok önemli. Buraya bunu yazıyorum, çünkü olur da bir gün adım her yerde anılırsa bir şeyleri başardığımı anlayacağım. Sizlerin ruhuna dokunmayı çok seviyorum. Şiiri, edebiyatı ve sanatı asla bırakmayacağım; umarım siz de bırakmazsınız, çünkü biz bunlar için hayatta kalıyoruz. Günden güne umudu kırılan şu dünyada, inancımız edebiyat sayesinde devam ediyor. Kendinize olan inancınız asla bitmesin. İyi ki varsınız, şiirle kalın.
I gaze at you from behind snow-covered bars, accompanied by my tearful prayers.